Knitter Bunny's™ Dutch Rabbits and Yarns

Bunnies and Yarn, Need I Say More

Hello and Good Bye!


Hello to this new shawl. Lacey Lamb, size US 3 Addi Turbo Lace needles, Zero stitchmarkers, a Julip Bag, and the Alpine Lace Scarf pattern from Victorian Lace Today (pg. 36) are all conspiring to make this a fantastic knit. It’s soothing to my senses and challenging to my brain. 🙂


And a close up.


And now . . .

Good bye to this permutation of the Sunflower Shawl. It just didn’t quite make the cut. There is nothing inherently wrong with the design, it just doesn’t look as good as it should. Have no fear though, my faithful readers, Gabrielle is rescuing me with the timely suggestion, and shopping for, beads. It shall be a truly special shawl once I decide on the particulars. Though I am thinking more of a stole this time instead of a triangle, and definitely some lozenge motifs for the center panel. We’ll see how it turns out.


And a close up.


And another close up.


Why, yes, that is dental floss in my shawl. In case you were wondering. 🙂 I find it to be particularly helpful when I’m knitting a shawl. It slides in and out easily and assits in picking up stitches. I also use it for gloves, mittens, and permutations of both when I’m picking up stitches that are to be “moved to a stitch holder.” It’s cheap and easy and I can make varying lengths or reuse the strands. I’m sure Bezzie would approve. 😉

4 thoughts on “Hello and Good Bye!

  1. I see that you left out the picture of the Julip Bag pouring out a 40 for the homies/Sunflower Shawl. Being that it is a product of The Mind of Amby, I’m sure it knew to show respect, yo.

    (Psst, I use dental floss too…and the floss cutter is great to cut yarn when scissors aren’t ok.)

  2. NOt to mention when you’re done you can improve your oral health!

    Dude, Julip Bags come with 40s? Amby never advertised THAT! 😉

  3. Shawlicious! Who doesn’t love Julip Bags!